MYSTERY OF PINNED COMMENTS SOLVED! We all know how beneficial pinned comments are for visibility and getting more profile visits, so here is how you get them.

1. Know the creator’s personality: When you know the creator then you can make a comment that you know they will like. By doing so, you increase your chances of getting pinned. Example: Lucas loves humorous comments.

2. Add to their points: Don’t repeat what they, always try to add a point or two. More value is always appreciated by every creator.

3. Write long & descriptive captions: Don’t be shy to write long captions, people love when the comments are descriptive because that shows genuine interest in their content. However, if you write long captions and simply repeat what they say then, it will be of no use.

4. Be genuine: Don’t show that you are just here to gain visibility, create a relationship!

5. Early: Being early is definitely one of the most important aspects of being pinned because most creators try to pin comments really quick, so you need to be in that group of early people.

6. Analysis: Always see why one comment get pinned and why yours didn’t and adjust your content according to that.

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