Three Advertising Opportunities Your Competitors Haven’t Used

Three Advertising Opportunities Your Competitors Haven't Used

Your competitors have a lot of great #advertising opportunities, but they may not be using all of them. Here are three tips you should consider using for your next campaign:

1)Less Obvious Search🔎:
#SEO is still a great way to get your business in front of new customers, but it’s also an opportunity to tap into less obvious #keywords. You might not see your competitors using these terms in their ads, so you can capitalize on that by being first to #market with an ad campaign.

2)Most Targeted Platforms🔥:
Your competitors might be advertising on #Facebook or #GoogleAdWords, but are they taking advantage of #YouTube? If your products or services lend themselves well to video, then YouTube is worth considering. It’s also free until you reach a certain number of impressions per day, so there’s no reason not to try it out!

3)Event Hashtags#️⃣:
If you have an upcoming event, then using event #hashtags can help drive #traffic and #engagement with your #brand ahead of time as well as during the event itself. Your competitors may not be paying attention to this platform yet, so if you want to get ahead of the curve then now is the time!

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