Influencer Marketing – Why it is a game-changer

Influencer Marketing - Why it is a game-changer

For most people, the word “influencer” conjures up images of #celebrities, #bloggers and #socialmediastars. But for #marketers, there’s a whole new world of #influencers out there: people who influence the behavior of others — not just in their own lives but also in their professional roles.

These influencers are playing an increasingly important role in marketing, because they can be one of the best ways to reach your target audience. In fact, research conducted by LinkedIn shows that 80% of professionals trust recommendations from peers more than any other form of #advertising.

Influencers have been around for years — they’re just getting more visibility now. In fact, research by Weber Shandwick has shown that nearly 60% of consumers are influenced by peer recommendations when making purchases #online and #offline.

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