THIS is how your personal brand works.

THIS is how your personal brand works.

THIS is how your personal brand works.

People seem to think that a personal brand is all about making sales.

That it’s about selling your service and that it’s going to start bringing customers through your door.

Before we even get there, you need to BUILD your brand first.

Unless you build your brand, you can’t attract an audience, let alone build a business.

I’m not even going to talk about building an offer and what goes into that.

Let’s get the basics right first.

👉🏼Are you clear on your brand?
👉🏼Are you clear on your audience?
👉🏼Are you clear on what your overall objective is?
👉🏼Are you clear on what you need to keep in mind to build the perception you want?
👉🏼Are you clear on what you need to do to put your brand to action?
👉🏼Are you clear on what result you want to achieve?

Unless all of those are YES, you’re not ready to build a business out of your personal brand.

Stop seeing your personal brand as something you can just whip up.

It takes a lot of time and effort. But if you know what you’re doing, the journey is easy.

The very step you need to take is get some serious clarity on what the process is.

Understand how it REALLY works.

Build that foundation first before you begin thinking of building the whole damn castle.

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