How Apple iOS 14 Affects Your Facebook Ads

How Apple iOS 14 Affects Your Facebook Ads (1)

facebook Ads rely heavily on pixel data to not only report on ad performance, but also to determine who to serve ads to based on their browsing #behavior.

However, with iOS 14, that data is now limited. For example, since users of iOS 14.5 are defaulted to opting out of allowing their #data to be tracked by 3rd parties, Facebook Ads will lose a large chunk of data that it previously relied upon.

This means #advertisers are seeing ad performance drop, because activity of any users who click on Facebook Ads who do not allow tracking are not be attributed to those ads. It doesn’t necessarily mean the ads are less effective, it just means the data isn’t there to know one way or another.

Also, since Facebook Ads delivery is heavily dependent on pixel data, the effectiveness of Facebook’s #algorithm is being put into question, since it can no longer use the same amount of data to determine the best users to whom it should serve ads, and the best ads that should be served at a given time or in a given situation.

Using Facebook Ads terminology, it means advertisers will see small audience sizes and lower reported conversion rates.

Apple is portraying iOS 14 as a champion of privacy protection, whereas Facebook is claiming it to be hurtful to small businesses who rely on personal data for their advertising. Both sides have validity, but all we can do is position ourselves in the best possible way to be successful.

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