Not getting followers

Not getting followers

We do not priorities metrics like Reach, Likes or Follower count. But they are indicators of whether you are on track or not.

If you are not making progress here, We hate to burst your bubble, but chances are the problem is with you.

The thing is, when you don’t know what you’re doing wrong, it’s easier to blame external circumstances, like Mr Algo.

In realty, you aren’t getting big likes, DMs, comments, and follower growth because you’re not showing up on social in a way that resonates with your audience.

There are three changes you can make TODAY to see the results you desire.

1. Identify your target audience!
Who will relate most to what you have to share? Who would benefit most from your content? Start targeting those people and those audience needs and wants!

2. Up your content game!
Maybe that means you start taking fewer selfies and start switching it up. Or, perhaps it means you finally start trying Reels, or you start creating custom graphics.

3. Spend time engaging with OTHER people’s content!
Social media is, unsurprisingly, social. When you go out and give that engagement to others, they will 9 times out of 10 – return the favor!

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