Instagram Posts Size Matters

Instagram Posts Size Matters
If a magazine offered you a FREE upgrade to the biggest advertising space on the page, you would take it too right? 👀

The same counts for Instagram! You want to take up as much space as possible. ✅

We still see a lot of people who don’t take advantage of the portrait size. 😱

All it takes is a simple resize for most content in order to take up maximum space into your followers’ newsfeed!

⚠️ Did you know that with Landscape Sized posts in the Instagram feed it will already show the next post at the same time as your post and IF that’s a video, the sound will also be playing! That’s a no-go.

Of course, there might be scenarios where you can’t resize into portrait and square size will still work for you, but I suggest avoiding landscape at all times.

Will you be resizing your posts?! Let us know if you found this helpful 👇

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