How to use these Instagram Features

How to use these Instagram Features

You’ll want to save this. Instagram is such a versatile platform.

It has so many features that help you connect to your audience.

Here are the main ones, and here’s how you can use them.

1. Stories – Build Trust
This is a great way to “show up”. Stories can help build trust by showing your personal side and getting instant feedback from your audience. Because they only last 24 hours, stories always feel fresh and current. And now you can ❤️ stories.

2. Feed – Provide Value
This is your home ground. Your profile page says a lot about what you do and how you can help your audience. Well-chosen images and content on your Instagram feed are like a digital mood board to your followers. It gives them a feel of what your brand is all about in a matter of seconds.

3. Lives – Personal Touch
This is where you humanise your brand. It allows you to have a real conversation and interact in real-time. It creates a face-to-face experience that feels personal and genuine. Genuine means trustworthy, and trustworthy is a great thing.

4. Reels – Growth
Reels is an excellent way for businesses to grow their reach and build a community on Instagram. This video format is being pushed now, so you will gain audiences that are not already following you. It’s the new hashtag that gets your content to the Explore page.

5. DMs (Direct Messaging) – Maintain Relationships
DMs are essential because they are an easy way to engage one-on-one with your customers. It takes more work, but you can create more in-depth relationships with those who will potentially buy your product.

Instagram has loads of features to help you reach your audience. Each component works differently, so use them for maximum impact.

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