Billboard Advertising Effectiveness

Billboard Advertising Effectiveness

Many of our customers say billboard advertising effectiveness can’t be measured🤔!?
It sounds right👌, but let’s dig into it a bit and analyze it from the perspective of experts🕵️👨‍💻.

Billboards are the best way to keep the viewers informed, whether it be businesses, promotions or products…
Billboards leave little impact on the viewers initially but imagine the same audience seeing it day after day. It will go a much higher impression. Your brand and your message will eventually start to stick in people’s minds🧠. This is how you generate people’s interest in your brand⬆️.

Let’s comeback now to How do people measure billboard advertising effectiveness?
Actually, it depends upon the advertiser, what their goals are🎯, and what their success metrics are.

For some, an increase in📱phone calls/leads WhatsApp messages or website visits might be their measure of success, and they could track that using unique phone numbers, coupon codes (e.g., mentioning a coupon code on the outdoor ad), or URLs, etc.

🛍️Other advertisers might be looking for an increase in store traffic at a retail location, and would purchase what are called “directional”🧭 outdoor – billboards or posters that are located near a retail location with directions on where to find the location📍.

🍿📺 Entertainment advertisers (movies, etc.) are looking ultimately for increased ticket sales or ratings🎟️, but tend to use outdoor advertising more for awareness, and they usually measure awareness and intent (people interested in seeing the particular movie/show being advertised) pre-, during, and post-campaign to see if their awareness numbers went up↗️.

Some advertisers run outdoor campaigns in test markets and then compare ⚖️ sales to comparable control markets that had no outdoor as a way to measure impact.

✔️So, as we have already seen in the previous examples, we can know the effectiveness of this type of advertising and the extent of its impact on our business.

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