Championing Leadership And Business Success In The Middle East

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Featuring articles and reports exploring growth, innovation and entrepreneurial spirit, Forbes Middle East is an ideal read for investors looking for new opportunities. Every month we publish original and relevant lists and rankings based on neutral scientific research. Through a wide network of experts and contributors, we provide insights, commentary and analysis on the people, companies and industries shaping the economies of the Arab world. Arab Publisher House has the license from Forbes Media U.S., to publish Forbes Middle East’s flagship titles, and online platforms in MENA.

English Edition
Arabic Edition
Special Country Reports
Special Industry Reports

English Website
Arabic Website
Digital Social Media
Studio Production

In-Person Summits
Gala Dinners
Virtual Events

22 Million
Social media reach (monthly)

15.9 Million
Website views (annually)

12 Countries
in MENA region

15+ Roundtables
Hosted in 2020

Connect Through Forbes Middle East Editorial Platforms

Our multi-media editorial platforms connect our diverse readers with leaders and partners, keeping them informed and up-to-date with the latest in business news.

The Forbes Middle East magazine extends the Forbes trusted brand of journalism across the Arab world. Distributed across retail outlets, key business hubs, and hotspots across the Middle East’s major cities, readers and leaders recognize the print magazine for its extensive lists and in-depth interviews. It is widely regarded as a reliable source of ethical editorial and accurate data on the Arab world’s business ecosystems.

Our events bring together leaders, experts, and executives to network and discuss the most pressing business trends and topics.

We use the highest-quality digital production to create informative and entertaining shows and video interviews.

With millions of hits a month from our followers, our social platforms promote our content to engage and inspire our audience.

Forbes Middle East Advertising

Digital Marketing

Forbes Middle East’s digital platforms offer partners an opportunity to enhance their visibility and brand recognition. Our website is a premium site for partners to market themselves through articles, blogs, campaigns, videos, and interviews.

Advertising opportunities on the website include large format banner inventory, text links, and site captures.

Email Marketing
Targeted email marketing to Forbes Middle East’s registered and verified database delivers partner messaging directly to its intended audience.

Digital Magazines

Subscribers can access our monthly publications through the website, so print advertising goes even further to also reach our digital audience.

Video Marketing
Customized audio-visual material, such as video interviews and reels, engage our audience through smart and eye-catching digital content.

Forbes Brandvoice
Brandvoice allows businesses to create content of their own to control their narrative and speak directly to the Forbes Middle East audience.

Digital Production
State-of-the-art equipment and studios can manage production projects including documentaries, content focused series, video reports and more.

Forbes Middle East Advertising

Forbes Middle East Advertising

Forbes Middle East Advertising
Forbes Middle East Advertising
Forbes Middle East Advertising

Forbes Middle East Advertising

Forbes Middle East Advertising

Forbes Middle East Advertising

Forbes Middle East Advertising

Forbes Middle East Advertising

Forbes Middle East Advertising

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Featured on Khaleejtimes, GulfNews, Arabian Business, Zawya
Featured on Khaleej Times
Featured on Gulf News
Featured on Arabian Business
Featured on Zawya


Address: Office 211, Palace Tower, Dubai Silicon Oasis, Dubai, UAE

Email: [email protected] | Tel. : +971 4 5193444 | Mobile : +971 55 6889896