Is SEO better or PPC?

Is SEO better or PPC?

SEO and PPC, both are the best. The best way to get the maximum amount of traffic and the maximum potential customers is with a well-executed, carefully planned organic SEO strategy and a well-written, focused PPC campaign. PPC is a solid short term strategy and SEO is a solid long term strategy. You can do one without the other, but you won’t get the results that you would from the full-court press of both.

How do you know which choice is right for your business? We’re here to help by explaining the definitions, the strategies, and the goals of each service.

Benefits of Organic SEO

Organic SEO is the bare-bones minimum every website should be doing. And, though it is the most basic of all online marketing steps, there’s nothing uncomplicated or basic about it. Good-quality, effective organic SEO includes:

  • A fast, conversion-centered website that’s mobile-friendly
  • High-resolution photos
  • An interesting, engaging, relevant blog that is frequently updated
  • On-page and off-page technical optimization for a variety of keywords
  • Development of industry- and location-specific citations in online directories
  • A social media presence consistent with your brand
  • User experience-focused design
  • Quality marketing copy on all website pages

Benefits of PPC:

  • Pay-per-click advertising, usually through a platform such as Google AdWords, is another effective, common way to improve your website traffic. The major benefit of PPC is that its effects are immediate; as soon as you click “Enabled,” your ad begins to display in users’ search results.
  • PPC campaigns also allow you to get more targeted with the traffic you draw. You can craft ads to show to users searching for very specific keywords in very specific geographic areas. And you can filter out what is called “negative keywords,” or keywords that you don’t want triggering your ads. This allows you to hone in very closely on a particular user persona you want to attract, maximizing your chances of conversions.

One of the keys to a good PPC campaign is a focused, conversion-centered landing page. Many PPC ads point to generic landing pages on a company website – often the Homepage or a general Services page – which may or may not be related to the actual keywords the user searched.

With PPC campaigns, since each click costs you money, you want to make sure your ads point to individually designed landing pages that back up the text in your ad. Users are more likely to schedule a consultation or make a purchase if your landing page text matches what they saw in the ad they clicked on.

PPC campaigns have the potential to bring in huge amounts of traffic. Because ads appear before any organic search results, they can be more likely to get clicked (If they’re well-written and engaging). Because of this, running a well-structured and optimized AdWords campaign can get you the traffic you wouldn’t have otherwise gotten, especially if your site currently ranks below the first page of Google’s search results.


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