How YouTube TrueView for Action Campaigns can help increase my business ?

TrueView for Action Ad Desktop

YouTube Video Ads definitely works!!

You just need to make sure that you approach it with the right expectations. YouTube is typically good for targeting Top of Funnel or Middle of Funnel audiences. That means that people will most likely not convert directly from this ad type. While it is certainly possible to do so, that isn’t the strong suit of YouTube Ads.

Best Way to Use YouTube Ads

These ads are great for keeping your brand top of mind and for creating brand awareness. They are also good to use for those that already know about your company at a high level. You can use video to help educate them more about your brand and offering. Experienced PPC pros will be able to capture those that indicate interest in the ad (whether through a click to your site, or a certain percentage of the video viewed) and will retarget them through Bottom Funnel Campaigns.

Using YouTube Ads to Convert Directly

There is a YouTube Ad Format that works best for converting directly. It’s called TrueView for Action. Here is what Google says about it.

TrueView for action campaigns help drive leads and conversions by adding prominent CTAs (calls-to-action) and headline text overlays to your video ads. Using this video campaign subtype, you can encourage customers to explore your product or service, share their contact information, and take other actions valuable to your business.

Here Is How Google Says It Works

TrueView for action campaigns are made up of CTAs (calls-to-action) and a headline.

  • TrueView for action campaigns are available for video campaigns on YouTube.
  • TrueView for action campaigns can only run on the in-stream ad format. This means that the ads play before, during, or after another video on YouTube.
  • These ads also give viewers the option to skip the ad after 5 seconds.
  • Headlines can contain up to 15 characters and is the primary line of text next to your video ad.
  • Headlines promotes your product or service.
  • CTAs can contain up to 10 characters and appears alongside your headline.
  • CTAs direct people to the website you specify as your final URL.
  • TrueView for action campaign ads can increase viewer engagement and encourage people to take action after your video plays.

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